Helping Horizonte De Paz:
A clinic overpopulated with residents having no space to house new members seeking assistance in drug rehabilitation. This resulted in patients sleeping on concrete while in recovery.
The labor and materials cost to create a new floor, roof, and bunk beds were donated by FAMA Foundation.
FAMA increased Horizonte de Paz rehabilitation Clinic's capacity to receive critical mass for residents in recovery.

Horizonte de Paz is a drug rehabilitation clinic located in Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta. FAMA board members were invited to visit the clinic. While visiting it was discovered that 50 men were boarding there, and there was only space for 40 men. The newest ten members were sleeping on concrete. After a discussion with the director, it was learned that the goal of the center was to add a concrete floor, a roof, and bunk beds. It was unanimously voted to fund the project, as it met with our mission to help in health and financial improvements that would make it possible for the clinic to achieve economically Self Sufficient Communities and for the critical mass to be self-sustainable. FAMA donated the materials and the men constructed the new living space and the lockers for personal belongings.